
August 4, 2010

Banana Jokes

Why are bananas never lonely?... Because they hang around in bunches.

How do you catch King Kong?... Hang upside down and make a noise like a banana.

What did the banana say to the elephant?... Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

Why did the banana go out with the prune?... Because he couldn’t find a date.

Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because he couldn’t find a date.

Why aren't they going to grow bananas any longer?... Because they're long enough already.

What do you do if you see a blue banana?... Try to cheer it up.

What’s yellow and writes?... A ball-point banana.

What is yellow and goes bzzzzzz?... An electric banana.

Why did the man lose his job in a fruit packing firm?... He kept throwing the bent bananas away.

How did the Mother Banana spoil the Baby Banana?... She left him out in the sun too long.

Why don’t bananas snore?... Because they don’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.

What is yellow on the inside and green on the outside ? A banana dressed up as a cucumber.

What’s yellow and flashes?... A banana with a loose connection.

Why do bananas wear suntan lotion?... Because they peel!

What did the boy banana say to the girl banana?... You have a lot of appeal.

What is the difference between a banana and a bell?... You can only peel (peal) the banana once.

Why is a banana peel on the sidewalk like music? Because if you don’t C sharp you'll B flat.

What would you call two bananas?... A pair of slippers.

What is long and yellow and always points north?... A magnetic banana.

What is a ghost favorite fruit?... Boonanaa

Why did the banana go to see the doctor?... The banana was not peeling very well.

Why were the monkeys gravely ill after consuming an entire grove of bananas?... They got yellow fever.

What did Momma Banana say to calm her boys down after their fight?... Quit yer g-ripen!

Why couldn't Anna visit the King?... He had the guards ban-anna from the castle.

Why couldn't the police arrest the banana the Monday after the Great Ice Cream Robbery?... Because the banana split sundae.

What did the old banana trapper sell at the trading post?... Banana skins and peelts.

What was the highlight of the banana gymnast's performance?... A banana split.

What did the banana racers do when they saw the police coming?... They peeled out of there.

How are bellies like bananas?... The older you get, the less firm they are.

What is Beethoven's favorite fruit?...!! (sing to the tune of 5th symphony)

Knock knock... Who’s there?...Banana... Banana who?
Knock knock... Who’s there?...Banana... Banana who?
Knock knock... Who’s there?... Orange... Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

Knock Knock... Who’s there?
Banana... Banana who?
Banana split so ice creamed!

Teacher: What is Ba + Na2?
Pupil: Banana.

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